Youth Camps
Y Members:
$100 5-Day Week
$150 5-Day Week
Camp fees are drafted on a weekly basis on the Monday prior to your child’s scheduled camp session. All cancellation requests must be submitted 15 days
prior to the week of cancellation.
- Rides in/rides out will take place in the gym located behind the YMCA..
- Rides in will take place from 7:00Am-8:30AM.
- Rides out will take place from 4:30PM-6:00PM
- Wellness checks will be completed every morning before the participant is allowed to enter the building.
- Morning & Afternoon snack is required each regular camp day.
- Campers have an option to pack a lunch or receive school lunch.
- We swim every day of camp except on field trip days (weather permitting).
- Campers need their swim suits, spray sunscreen, a towel, and a change of clothes every swim day.
- Tennis shoes and comfortable clothes are required (open toed shoes can be worn only at the pool).
- If your child needs to be given
medication during camp hours, you must fill out the medication form for the Director to have on file